NGS are a dynamic Traditional Sign writing team making London beautiful, yet reaching the 4 corners. We have full lettering capability, a bespoke archive font collection and constantly create 'NO ORDINARY TYPE'. Enjoy these pages.
A 360 ACROSS LONDON SIGN PAGE MANCHESTER SQUARE TO NOTTING HILL NGS THE GOLD LEAF SPECIALISTS Our Glorious, Pristine Gold Lettering Works. CASE: HOW GOLD ROCKS Gold leaf can be applied to pretty much all Read more…
”Overthinking is just part of our process of pushing the bar higher… The Finest Hand Painted House Names and Numbers These ‘Journeyman’ letters Beloved… we think. Hand Crafted Restoration House Titles. These styles have been Read more…
Adding the inspirational NGS twist. Trad Twist mix of NGS Retro Signs: Fall in love.. TINY DEDICATED TOUCHES ARE THE MARKS OF GENIUS. So, with each twist, the project becomes more unique, ‘accented’ and bespoke. Read more…