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The world of Lettering from Caslon to NGS Typesmith Fonts

As part of our heritage type foundry NGS are developing a wide classic range of bespoke Humanist Fonts.
These include the meticulous NGS renderings of truecut original restored Edward Johnston, Baskerville, classic Soho signwriter block letters: Soho Bold, Revival Bodoni Parmese, Truecut Gill Sans and Truecut Trajan letters.

NGS Johnston Highbury

NGS Molto Bold

Soho Bold


Inside the world of the Caslon Foundry, Chiswell St
By the Gentle author

Chiswell St is a canyon lined with glass and steel buildings leading from Moorgate to the Barbican today, yet once this was the centre of printing in the City of London. The foundry established by William Caslon in 1737, Britain’s most celebrated type designer, stood here until 1937. For more than two centuries, Caslon was the default typeface for printing in the English language and when the Americans wanted to make their Declaration of Independence and publish their Constitution, they imported type from the Caslon Foundry in Chiswell St to do it.
These historic photographs from St Bride Printing Library, taken in 1902 upon the occasion of the opening of the new Caslon factory in Hackney Wick, record both the final decades of the unchanged work of traditional type-founding, as well as the mechanisation of the process that would eventually lead to the industry being swept away by the end of the century.

22/23 Chiswell St with Caslon’s delivery van outside the foundry

The Directors’ Room with portraits of William Caslon and Elizabeth Caslon

Sydney Caslon Smith in his office

Clerks’ office, 15th November 1902. A woman sits at her typewriter in the centre of the office.

Type store with fonts being made up in packets by women and boys working by candlelight

Another view of the type store with women making up packets of fonts

Another view of the type store

Another part of the type store

In the type store

A boy makes up a packet of fonts in the type store

Room of printers’ supplies including type cases, forme trolleys and electro cabinets

Another view of the printers’ supplies store

Printing office on an upper floor with pages of type specimens being set and printed on Albion and Imperial handpresses.

Packing department with crates labelled GER, GWR, LNWR, CALCUTTA, BOMBAY, and SYDNEY

New Caslon Letter Foundry at Rothbury Rd, Hackney Wick, 1902

Harold Arthur Caslon Smith at his rolltop desk in Hackney Wick with type specimens from 1780 on the wall, Friday 7th November, 1902

Machine shop with plane, lathes and overhead belting

Gas engines and man with oil can

Lathes in the Machine Shop

Hand forging in the Machine Shop

Another view of lathes in the Machine Shop

Type store with fonts being made up into packets

Type matrix and mould store

Metal store with boy hauling pigs upon a trolley

Casting Shop, with women breaking off excess metal and rubbing the type at the window

Another view of the Casting Shop.

Another view of the Casting Shop

Founting Shop, with women breaking up the type and a man dressing the type

Casting metal furniture

Boys at work in the Brass Rule Shop

Boys making packets of fonts in the Despatch Shop, with delivery van waiting outside the door

Machine shop on the top floor with a fly-press in the bottom left

Woodwork Shop

Brass Rule Shop, hand-planing the rules

Caretaker’s cottage with caretaker’s wife and the factory cat
Photographs courtesy St Bride Printing Library
You may also like to read about
William Caslon, Letter Founder