
No Ordinary Type NGS Signs


Soho Fonts typefaces by NGS





We now produce truly custom, 100% original fonts, each designed from the old hands of vintage London, Zurich and Roman signwriters.

The intent is to reproduce Truecut classic typefaces we use, adore and stumble upon while working recently in UK, Zurich, Edinburgh, Italy and beyond.

Our typography and brand clients include:

Pentagram, Moda, Cocoa Cola, Fullers, Amos & Amos,

The Chase, 12X3, Heals and Fred Perry.

Hope you like.

We are mounting a full book of fonts with dedicated website shortly.

Nick Garrett

‘Soho Bold Typeface’

For Canberra House, the former Australian Embassy,

Regent Street, London.

NGS Revival Lettering:

London Roman’s

Font Bodoni Type design, NGS London Font design Sign Writers, New Trend fonts, Style setting design. Arts and Crafts Lettering pedigree. Nick Garrett.

Constantly Inspired by our fore-father’s London Romans.

Heal's London high level signage - scissor lift, cradle, mewp high level signage. NGS London
NGS Trad London Roman fanlight signage. House numbers and Titles painted all over London.
Above: a classic London Roman fanlight we restored that got me really appreciating the fine considerations that went into these fine examples of painted ‘Serif’ letters. These considerations fill every corner of our lettering practice today and now inspiring our special NGS Font Foundry reference library.


Truecut and Stone-cut

The County NGS signs London Trajan Font design
NGS Painted House Roman letters, NGS Retro Signs of London serif V&A-Cattich Roman Trajan Lettering, Vintage Lond fonts. Letter signwriting in Gold., bespoke-london-sign-writer-supergraphics-ghost-signs-office-wayfinding-gold-fanlight-numbers-and-hand-painted-house-numbers
Trajan Roman lettering painted signs Video of Nick at NGS signs
font designer NGS Trajan Baskerville, Trajan Column Catich Rubbing Rome NGS
Trajan Letters in Pompeii. Pomp Nick and Seraina lettering | Font designer NGS Illustrations, Murals Sign writing Gilding
NGS Retro Signs of London Underground Vintage Lond fonts. Letter signwriting in Gold.

Our Researched and Hand crafted

Heritage typefaces.

Pompeii, Rome and London

font designer NGS Trajan Baskerville


These letters above are designed for our own bespoke practice entirely by hand. A pot full of joy to paint too, they are set up in terms of shape and weight to flow smoothly off the quill – while sitting perfectly in context architecturally, into any print format, media and api screen setting.

Our craftsmanship is used by many fine stores and venues across London. If you desire truecut bespoke London typeface, designed by hand then reach out and chat to us about your project.
NGS Retro Signs of London Underground Vintage Lond fonts. Letter signwriting in Gold.

Lettering genius of

William Sharpington

Lettering master William Sharpington’s carved plaque. Nr Liverpool St., London and bumping into him again at No 4 Canary Wharf, BMA Boardroom.

Destiny, fluke or serendipity…

Wikipedia: William Sharpington entry

Wikipedia article

William Sharpington


NGS Wartski Sharpington Gilded facades

Our restored version of Sharpington Roman for Wartski of St James’s are a testament to his genius.

Gold letters on glass. Wartski jewellers glass gilding Traditional signwriting gold leaf lettering by Nick Garrett London Signwriter. NGS Retro Signs of London Underground Vintage Lond fonts.
Over the years we have cataloged a collection of drawings made directly from ghost signs and vintage pieces around London that exude the real character of London signs. Today NGS are compiling these into a series of styles you can pick straight off our peg or ascribe to your plot.
Browse this page and see if there is something here that would serve as a starting point for us to embellish in some special way for your unique logo and brand design.
NGS Retro Signs of London Underground Vintage Lond fonts.

Birthing the NGS Soho Font Foundry

As a kid I’d sneak off up to Soho every Saturday and take it all in… it was in the seventies… inspiring me then and still enriching my journey today.. NG

NGS typefaces include:
NGS Supertype ‘Johnston Highbury’
NGS Johnston Edinburgh
MGS Madrid Sans Serif
Pirlo Wharf Bold
Soho Bold
Baldini Script
Helvatia Original
NGS Trajan
NGS Baskerville
NGS Bembo Demi
NGS Gill Sans truecut
Brick Lane Condensed
 Retro London Underground Vintage Lond fonts.

CASE: Edward Johnston

NGS Restoration type.

Restoration Type

NGS JOHNSTON Highbury Demi

NGS Johnston Highbury Font by NGS London. HD poetics of hand painted type banner. Retro London Underground Vintage Lond fonts.
ECC cafe coffee house signage NGS Chiswick
Cafe Electric Coffee Co wall nural lettering NGS Sign writing London Chelsea Chiswick Putney Dulwich cafes hampstead sign painters NGS near us .NGS sign writing London
Nick Garrett
NGS has restored a collection of fonts that we have worked with over the past 36 years as London’s finest signsmiths.
These include an original version of Johnston, a Standard writer’s extended bold block and a classic honours board Roman.
First off the design deck is the Johnston restored version here at Crown Cycles.

Nick Garrett Typographer Signwriter – London
Refined, crisp… always beautiful. It is not by chance then that we are releasing a series of London Vintage fonts from the works of my founding family of lettering masters the Bakers’ of Fulham and now NGS tradition.


NGS Painted Cafe signs Johnston Font Restoration of sign Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters

Absolutely No Ordinary Type

found here…

I have studied and painted the Johnston sans serif for 30 years and have been generally unhappy with the modified fonts released to date because they are simply lacking the calligraphic heart and poetics of the originals.
In the Clerkenwell and Islington area of London there can still be found original pieces from the master’s hand in St. Pauls Road.

Johnston Highbury found
NGS JHD Banner
NGS Johnston comes in only the single weight as per the originator’s wishes.
NGS JHD poetics banner


Discovered while NGS were commissioned to restore a historic fascia (above) in Highbury London in May 2014. A trace was made of the letter forms painted scanned and loaded into Adobe Photoshop.
These were then vectorised and set up in Fontlab 5.
Certain characteristic such as the crossover W character and the more precise drafting of the G, Y, lower case g and S characters confirmed this was an original sign made from Edward Johnston’s drawn versions in 1905. NGS Johnston aims to retain all key poetics of the original forms.

Lower case s and e were re-tuned along with refinements to all upper/lowercase and numeral glyphs. Every character has been considered.
Johnston is an incredibly important typeface and we believe the revival in the craft of lettering has set the stage for a series of properly refined drafts.
We have Johnston Flare as a new version which uses a traditional wedge serif in accordance with the designs mapped out in 1905.

NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters

NGS PIRLO Wharf Bold

A traditional chunky sans serif block letter found in original turn of 19th century writing styles.

sister ray grunge
Pirlo first ever write
Masons Surrey
London Soho Type Signwriter NGS

NGS Italia – ‘Bella Figura’ Letters


Designed for ‘Choosing Keeping’ store, London.

London Soho Type Sign writer London Choosing Keeping sign Covent Garden sustainable signage work names Traditional sign writers of London, , London Signs, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, City of London, Hatton Garden, Canary Wharf, Clapham, Seraina, Nick Garrett signage, Wayfinding signs, hand painted Balfron Towers, Chelsea signwriters, Poplar, St. James's lettering artists, NGS Painted gold House ,numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted gold House numbers names, Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich, Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Trajan, Baskerville, Garamond Lettering, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho Brand Designers, 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwritersRenowned for Fine Signwriting, Transom House Numbers gilding. Traditional Numerals for all London inc Dulwich, Clapham, Chelsea. Crystal Palace, 51.41204871344451, -0.09139270843548579, 51.49456765499576, 51.42829336756655, -0.08495540681783083, -0.17415278042634838 Chelsea, Fulham road, Kings Road, Walton Street,Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, Brand design NGS London, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, City of London, Hatton Garden, Canary Wharf, Clapham, Seraina, Nick Garrett signage, Wayfinding signs <a href=
Choosing keeping gold leaf sign Covent Garden By NGS LDN
2 Tone Gold lettering, Chicago gilding, sign painter, signwriter, London sign writer, Lettering artist, Brand design, Typographic designer, Font design, Gotham, House Industries, Better Letters, Mike Meyer, David Smith glass gilder, 1shot enamel, Handover, Hand painted, IOAFS, bespoke signs, Joby Carter, Seraina Baumgartner, Signwriters London, Nick Garrett Signwriting London, Painted house numbers, House numbers, Glass gold, Glass gilding, Gold leaf, Signwriters London, NGS Signwriting London, Signwriting courses London, Signwriting classes, Signwriting near me Margate Kent, Shop Signs, Shop Signs,cafe Signs, pub Signs, hand painted lettering Numerals, Signwriting Jack, custom-logo,
MyFont design NGS Bodoni Parmense Bespoke 003 revival Fonts

This truecut edition fashioned from Bodoni’s first sketches and styled with that distinctive Parmigiano workshop look.

London Soho Type Signwriter NGS
London Soho Type Signwriter NGS

NGS Revival London

Soho Bold – Typographic Signwriter

Hand painted Gold Transom Fanlight Seraina Signs. House numbers hand painted, House numbers sign painted by NGS, hand painted Victoria House titles numerals.

About Artist Seraina Baumgartner – The ‘S’ in NGS

Traditional sign writers NGS

Modern Twist sign writing, Bodoni House Numbers


CLEANLY PAINTED NUMERALS FOR PILLARS OR ROUGH STUCCO Plaster and Stucco Stucco comes in various fini…

Office walls signs, missions, names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters

Our Favourite Fonts: Max Miedinger and 10 leading Font Styles

Typefaces have been an integral part of the ‘reading-writing’ society for centuries. Today fonts mat…

Modern Twist sign writing, Bodoni House Numbers

Most popular Hand Painted Sign writing by Nick & Seraina

About our Purely Hand Painted sign Culture In a world saturated by the digital, hand painted signs a…

Signwritten By Hand... the Beauty of NGS

How to order a Sign with NGS. Client First is our mantra.

nickgarrettsigns@gmail.com How to order a Sign with London’s Genuine Lettering team NGS. A Gle…

David Partridge

The very talented Signmaster, David Partridge

Recently I was privileged to be offered the late David Partridge’s collection of brushes donat…

signwriting book signpainting book urban distressed NGS London ghost sign gold leaf lettering

Edward Johnston’s Underground Legacy Typefaces

Signage Typographer Edward Johnston Going Underground… and beyond. . The Edward Johnston Journ…

Gold House Numbers London Sign Writer Nick Garrett Seraina Baumgartner NGS

Home Page part 2:


NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, City of London, Hatton Garden, Canary Wharf, Clapham, Seraina, Nick Garrett signage, Wayfinding signs hand painted Balfron T 00b1, Chelsea signwriters, Poplar, St. James's lettering artists, NGS Painted gold House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, Hoxton, Chelsea signwriters, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters

NGS: All our signs – Last 3 years of superb projects

If you want a job doing ask a busy person… NGS are the busiest signwriters in the industry tod…

Feb 2012 D Hirst Tate NGS sign writing

CASE: Damien Hirst Retrospective NGS

CASE: Damien Hirst Retrospective NGS  From Sample to Finished walls . . Above: The first decent samp…

Painted Urban City Type. NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, City of London, Hatton Garden, Canary Wharf, Clapham, Seraina, Nick Garrett signage, Wayfinding signs, hand painted Balfron Towers, Chelsea signwriters, Poplar, St. James's lettering artists, NGS Painted gold House ,numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted gold House numbers names, Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich, Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Trajan, Baskerville, Garamond Lettering, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho Brand Designers, 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters

NG Signs: add Creativity to yr New Retail performance… The London Sign Writer’s role explained

NG Signs | Creativity In Retail | Nick Garrett . WE ARE ENTERING A TIME OF HUGE OPPORTUNITY . PAINTE…

Fine London House Numbers

Gold Fanlight styles – Most Popular London House numbers.

This gallery intends to show the main styles clients go to for inspiration Of course we are able to …

Gold lettern on House Fanlight

Inside the world of the Caslon Foundry, Chiswell St.

Article: Traditional sign writing. London, Inside the Home of Traditional London Roman Type. By the …

NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters


Contract:  Designers Guild UK – Working in colour 1986-1998. 1986 Above: Tricia Guild CEO…

rEGENT sOUNDS RESTORATION GLASS GILDING ngs NGS Glass gilding Traditional Sign Writer NGS London. Marylebone, Mayfair, Soho,



NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters

Amazing Hand Painted House Titles London NGS

”Overthinking is just part of our process of pushing the bar higher… The Finest Hand Pai…

Wardour Mews restoration Signwriting

Vintage Modern – NGS Branding Sign Design

Adding the inspirational NGS twist. Trad Twist mix of NGS Retro Signs: Fall in love.. TINY DEDICATED…

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