I found a lot of pleasure during the Lockdowns engaging with people who found themselves at home and starting up new decorative home interiors renovations that they might not otherwise have bothered with.
The thoughts started up and the creative ideas followed.

Painted signs for the home became a regular creative practice and in amongst the challenges of those time offered a light in the gloom.
And despite social distancing I got to meet and make friends with a lot of lovely people too.
So signs now have a firm home in the homes of many and what a nice thing to see… people acknowledging the beauty, often faded, of their remembered past.
I replicate vintage lettering often in gold leaf with shadows and retro styles. Many clients go on to dig out some long lost heirloom in need of artistic TLC and restoration like the beautiful toy box below.

Inadvertently I have grown my own upcycling skills and appreciation of these vintage trinkets that give so much pleasure.
Seraina Baumgartner, artist + sign painter
Lettering for gifts: Anniversaries, Valentines, Mother’s Day you name it!
If you see something here that lights up an idea for a loved one email me here at NGSeraina@gmail.com