NGS sign writers, painters London

Traditional Shop sign writing.London, Mary's Nightime 2

NGS Painted shop signs, Traditional signwriters,, Chelsea, all London, Near us.
Traditional Shop sign writing.London, Mary's Nightime 2 Mary's cafe

Traditional London signs, Green and Stone Sign gilding NGS london sign writer near me 0007111
Wardour Mews restoration Signwriting

Our ability to take the old World delights come to Life! Shown on this page and across the site.

Where branding trusts the Brush

NGS 2025: designing this 5m neon back board for new cafe ”Elsie’s” in Moab Utah.

NGS Brand Design

NGS For the widest range of Pure By-Hand Brand Sign Design

A true twist mix of lettering is what we do. Yes we can create classics for Barbour or Penhaligons, switch to Urban rustics for Le Labo and whatever else you can dream up.

We’re equally happy assisting and faithfully replicating your own design material or you need us to help create your brand ID.

The results are always strikingly beautiful, prompt and above the quality lines.

51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838 Chelsea Fulham road Signwriter 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295 Shoreditch signs City of London Seraina Nick Garrett signage NGS Seraina-gilding-lettering-on-glass-at-De-Gournay-Fulham-London-002.3-1 Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate Chelsea signwriters

mix of contemporary classic Sign Writing London - Wall signs, House number signs, Gold Leaf Shop window signs, House Numbering, Painted brickwork lettering, Office wayfinding missions NGS


“Fashions fade, style is eternal.”

Yves Saint Laurent


But probably never really needs to.

It’s easy to taste the allure of new splashes of fashionista design trends… they instantly appeal, sugar coated, transient, beautiful, and are just plain yummy eye candy, nay addictive!

… yep we all love the odd choc treat and slice of tiramisu.

sign painter, signwriter, London sign writer, Lettering artist, Brand design, Typographic designer, Font design, Gotham, House Industries, Better Letters, Mike Meyer, David Smith glass gilder, 1shot enamel, Handover, Hand painted, IOAFS, bespoke signs, Joby Carter, Seraina Baumgartner, Signwriters London, Nick Garrett Signwriting London, Painted house numbers, House numbers, Glass gold, Glass gilding, Gold leaf, Signwriters London, NGS Signwriting London, Signwriting courses London, Signwriting classes, Signwriting near me Margate Kent, Shop Signs, Shop Signs,cafe Signs, pub Signs, hand painted lettering Numerals, custom-logo,

A Flash in the spam… finding the edge

Today, almost instantly, uber sweetened design styles become meteoric, and over saturated.

With Insta and Tic Tok coverage everything is ‘out of the bag’ and so last years spam.

As a product designer for 20 years my job was to tap into new design trend: walking the floors of Paris, NY, Canton, Frankfurt, Milan and home turf UK design fairs in order to coherently barometer and table reports on new trend, and what’s happening in the industry.

It was my job coming out of very traditional training ground of a fine art degree, to become a turnkey retail trend development specialist.

To take a view of the manufacturing design field globally, specifically for manufacturers, importers and large retail groups such as Habitat, Crate and Barrel and Next – annual ranges that would out-last competition, and set new strategic trends, based on the constant-flow of design DNA.

That’s why when you come to NGS, you get a chunk of the future and huge slice of the opportunity cake.

That’s our strategic edge.

Gilding-gold leaf letters on-Barbour-Leadenhall-Market-shop-store-signs-London-sign-writers-NGS-SIGNS


I was one of many such trend developers out in the field, and saw the rise of Indo-China Based factory design teams running amok, doing at first a pretty patchy job of low cost in-house product design.

But in just a few years these young talented creatives grew and overtook that area of design thrive and activity. What remained was a few of us who became makers or continued to strive for enrichment of the ore material of their own specific design product genre.

I did both.

I crafted and cheselled away at my core design drivers and areas of deep interests and worked hard perfecting the other counterpart of production and ever popular by-hand Sku delivery. Ironically I found my life’s work return to the tip of a clutch of fine, pointed sable brushes.

As a masterstroke signwriter and graphic typographer if found myself drawn back to now working not so much from the faces but to the facades of London. I was mixing paints in the winter cold and summer smog, alongside the new Shoreditch street artists and a capital breathing revival and a new raw creative agenda into ‘by-hand’ and digital creativity alike.

Gym walls, Mission signs, wall graphics, s, Traditional Sign Writer NGS London. Marylebone, Mayfair,

Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. ” — Iris Apfel.

Graphic design fell into categories of sharp fashion right through the growing ranges into the historical archival alphabets which were birthed in deep antiquity (200 BC) to mid century and the birth of the more recognisable modern day brand design era (1905 – London Underground – Frank Pick influence).

These timeless ‘influencers’ literally shaped mine and many fine lettering artists lives.

Today those lives and shapes are presented here. Reflective, gracious, and time honoured… yet always convergent, dipped in freshness of the future, divergent, instinctive trends and styles.

Nick Garrett. NGS

rEGENT sOUNDS RESTORATION GLASS GILDING ngs NGS Glass gilding Traditional Sign Writer NGS London. Marylebone, Mayfair, Soho,

Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro, Gold Leaf Shop window signs, House Numbering, Painted brickwork lettering, Office wayfinding missions NGS interiors Sign Writer, NGS Sign painters London, NGS Sign Writers London. Traditional Signwriting.

For McGlashan’s we noted their desire for Baker St/Marylebone heritage and era mood. Our fine tuning included polishing kerning and introducing some micro characteristics found in the Baker St. station heritage Johnston signage.

We call Baker St our typographic ‘Johnston museum station’. It’s featured on our APP, adorned with original signage typography in situ in that fabulous station.

  • Painted House Shop names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Plain English furniture of London. Sign written by Nick and Seraina of NGS sign Writing painting.
  • Plain English sign panel NGS
  • Plain English sign writing
Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro NGS Sign Writers London. Traditional Vintage retro Signwriting.

Sometimes rather Plain,

always Beautiful, English Lettering.

Incised Didot and Bodoni Font, Choosing Keeping shop Covent Garden.

London ngs signs

House Numbering made by hand by NGS London, Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro


French and Italian Typography flavours, mixed with our Stylish Classical London themes, and inspired vicinity Heritage Signs.

Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro, Boho modern twist lettering of London NGS sign painters London Sign Writer, NGS Sign painters London, NGS Sign Writers London. Traditional Signwriting.



(with a slice of Trad-Twist mix, NGS Soho Retro and NYC Boho panned in!)

Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro. Sign painter, signwriter, London sign writer, Lettering artist,  London Signs, Brand design, Typographic designer, Font design, , NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, City of London, Hatton Garden, Canary Wharf, Clapham, Seraina, Nick Garrett signage, Wayfinding signs, hand painted Balfron Towers, Chelsea signwriters, Poplar, St. James's lettering artists, NGS Painted gold House ,numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted gold House numbers names, Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich, Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Trajan, Baskerville, Garamond Lettering, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho Brand Designers, 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, Gotham, House Industries, Better Letters, Mike Meyer, David Smith glass gilder, 1shot enamel, Handover, Hand painted, IOAFS, bespoke signs, Joby Carter, Seraina Baumgartner, Signwriters London, Nick Garrett Signwriting London, Painted house numbers, House numbers, Glass gold, Glass gilding, Gold leaf, Signwriters London, NGS Signwriting London, Signwriting courses London, Signwriting classes, Signwriting near me Margate Kent, Shop Signs, Shop Signs,cafe Signs, pub Signs, hand painted lettering Numerals, Signwriting Jack, custom-logo,



Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro, Directional wayfinding signs hand painted office signs NGS hotel signage,  London Signs, Directional wayfinding signs hand painted office signs NGS hotel signage Directional wayfinding signs hand painted office signs NGS hotel signage Directional wayfinding signs hand painted office signs NGS hotel signage Directional wayfinding signs hand painted office signs NGS hotel signage, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs, City of London, Hatton Garden, Canary Wharf, Clapham, Seraina, Nick Garrett signage, Wayfinding signs, hand painted Balfron Towers, Chelsea signwriters, Poplar, St. James's lettering artists, NGS Painted gold House ,numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted gold House numbers names, Traditional sign writers of London NGS, Dulwich, Margate, Chelsea, signwriters, NGS Painted House numbers names Traditional sign writers of London NGS Dulwich Margate, 51.49456765499576, -0.17415278042634838, Chelsea, Trajan, Baskerville, Garamond Lettering, Fulham road Signwriter, 51.513286138657314, -0.13605138048658413 painted shop signs Soho Brand Designers, 51.52381789141246, -0.0772289866369295, Notting hill, Shoreditch signs,

Above: Interior Wall Signage | Gill Sans Light with Bold Drop Shadow | Bone white.

Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro. Sign Writer, NGS Sign painters London, Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro NGS Sign Writers London. Traditional Signwriting.


We never just take a font and jazz it..

we check all the fonts clients fwd our way, and balance them out.

We then hand-paint lettering – always carefully spaced and stylishly scaled.

Whether a rich old school cool vintage classic sign,

or fresh, new, joyful minimalist,

Sign Writer, NGS Sign painters London, NGS Sign Writers London. Traditional Signwriting.

a cute twist of both worlds.

Sign things are made differently here.

Trad Twist mix NGS soho Retro, Traditional Sign Writer, NGS Sign painters London, NGS Sign Writers London. Traditional Signwriting.