Ah, the joy of the café. A warm coffee, a fresh sandwich, a spot to get some work done. As we freeze in London, this week we’re opening the doors to the best spots to get a midday warm-up. Pull up a chair and join us.
When you’re a coffee-shop workhorse, atmosphere is key. Like a dutiful son, Duncan Wproclaims, ‘it is very hard not to love Look Mum No Hands. It’s light, seats are plentiful, Wi-Fi is free, and the welcome is warm.’ In the Victoria & Albert Museum, Melizza R croons, ‘every time I go, I dream about getting married again and hosting it in the V&A Café.’ Meanwhile, Pitfield is brewingLarissa G a damn fine ‘macchiato in an adorably kitsch teacup‘ she can actually purchase! ‘Their showroom is filled with fantastically whimsical housewares, too.’ Pimp out your nook.
For shutterbugs who like photographing their food, Camera Café is the place. ‘It felt a little secret-agent meeting for coffee in the back of a camera shop,’ opines Thomas A. WeLeica the sound of that! Coffee geeks like Freya C gather atWorkshop Coffee. Her ‘unashamedly, schmaltzy love serenade’ of a review also calls out their brunch menu. If you see the word ‘fritter’, order it. Keeping that sweet tooth in check? Then steer clear of Candy Café. ‘Straight away, you see the amount of bubble tea, and the sweet snacks they have,’ Marie L says, and it’ll make your head spin.
Riding over to Tapped & Packed, Eliza D assures, ‘It is just as adorable on the inside as it appears from the outside. The best part is the loyalty card which depicts a six-person tandem bicycle. Clever and creative!’ Joanna R is ‘in love with Candid Café. I love every single thing about it, from the alleyway locale to the funky lighting and brilliant atmosphere. Oh yes, and the coffee!’ Dream of making it on MasterChef? Start atBooks For Cooks, and try the back café, where Alex S dines – the ‘rotating menu from various cookbooks’ is divine. You’ll be a wiz in no time. |
On The Radar
A Hot Afternoon:Winter Warmer At The Met
Come Sail Away:Europe’s First Boat Show
Wheelies Galore…At Arenacross
God Save The King:The London Chess Classic
Royally Iced:Skate At Hampton Court Palace |
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